Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's Hurt.

Hey Guys!! I just awake and now i am sitting on my LapTop. And you know. you are asking me " can i see you in ur webcam? " And i saying yes. And you guys are telling me " You are fake, " It's really hurt for me. Now i am here and feel hurt. =[ It's only two person that understand me, I love you Brandi and Noah =] But Do YOU understand me ? Answer : NO! cause u don't care about me when you are posing me or you saying Fake. It's HURT! So.... Yeah it was it.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Today, i can't sleep , like always! :) But log on my new chat Hope you like it! and log on if you want to ask me something.


// Milerzzz

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today is it Ash's b~day! =) I love you Ash!! =)


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hey Everyone! On friday going to Ashley's birthday's party, !!! Hope it be fun ( it's fun everytime!! ) lol! Tomorrow is it Ashley Tisdale's Birthday! Happy Birthday to you baby (L) ILYSM! =D Here comes pix:

There was it! Hope you like them!!